Recent participation in some photography forums has piqued an interest in doing a Project 365. Photography has been a hobby on and off for over 40 years and in the last 18 months my interest has intensified. So I've decided to jump in, give it a shot (no pun intended) and see if I can shoot every day for a year.

My expectations for this project are that it will provide motivation to expand my skills both behind the camera and in post-processing and provide a vehicle for experimentation. My photog pal Doug has been a great mentor, so I want to publicly say thanks; this is your fault (kidding of course).

It is going to be a learning experience, so any and all comments, critiques and encouraging words are welcome.

Thanks for viewing.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

It snowed all day and was pretty gray out; not good conditions for shooting photos.  Took a couple of shots from the car but wasn't satisfied.  Later on, when the snow stopped, I took the D90 out for some night shooting.  Had a few interesting shots, but this one of the pedestrian bridge over McHenry Road, taken about 8:40pm, is today's choice.  The clouds had thinned and the moon was out.  The light was an interesting balance between cool moonlight and warm streetlights.  This was a 6 second exposure (on a tripod).


  1. Great shot, Jeff! Sandy and I thought of you guys when we were diving yesterday. 'Puter showed 29F.

  2. Thanks Rick. It was about 21F out when I took this shot...but I was bundled up with hat, coat, gloves. Could not even imagine being in the water. Happy New Year to you and Sandy.

  3. I love this picture! (I don't know photographer lingo yet:-)).
