Recent participation in some photography forums has piqued an interest in doing a Project 365. Photography has been a hobby on and off for over 40 years and in the last 18 months my interest has intensified. So I've decided to jump in, give it a shot (no pun intended) and see if I can shoot every day for a year.

My expectations for this project are that it will provide motivation to expand my skills both behind the camera and in post-processing and provide a vehicle for experimentation. My photog pal Doug has been a great mentor, so I want to publicly say thanks; this is your fault (kidding of course).

It is going to be a learning experience, so any and all comments, critiques and encouraging words are welcome.

Thanks for viewing.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dinner of Champions...

6/30/10 - Day 194
...or for those working late.  Submitted for today's Daily Shoot #227.  I should have taken a set-up shot since this image is deceiving.  It is actually a clear cup of fritos sitting in a clear tub of gummy bears, although it looks like the fritos and gummys are in the same vessel.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


6/29/10 - Day 193
Today's Daily Shoot assignment #226 was "What's your favorite device to access the Internet? Make a photograph of it today." Now I don't know if this is my favorite device, but I do know it has saved my butt numerous times.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Oyster Point Marina

6/28/10 - Day 192
Back to San Francisco this morning. Went out shooting after work today.  Also was able to get a separate Daily Shoot photo; check link to view in Flickr set.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Brothers c.1990

6/27/10 - Day 191
Today's Daily Shoot assignment #224 was a no-brainer.  Of the thousands of photos taken of our boys growing up, this is, hands down, our favorite.  The boys are now grown and we are spread out across 3 time zones, so this brings a smile to our faces whenever we look at it.  Truly a cherished image.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Freshly Painted Stripes

6/26/10 - Day 190
Running errands this afternoon and there it was; the answer to today's Daily Shoot #223.


6/25/10 - Day 189
Knowing that I would land in Chicago after midnight, I wanted to get a photo at the airport today before boarding my flight.  The flight was leaving from SFO's international terminal, so the modern structure and polished floor made a great subject.  However, since there was sufficient time before the flight, I decided to paint this watercolor instead and then take a photo of it (yeah, right!).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Shadows in B/W

6/24/10 - Day 188
With a full day in the office and then a 24 hour trip to SF, I knew there would be no time to shoot today.  Before leaving for the train to downtown, I noticed the long shadows and silhouettes created on the deck by the rising sun.  Fired off a few shots, which in color were pretty mundane.  I experimented with some Lightroom settings and opted for high contrast B/W which make the shots much more dramatic.

While a day late, I also am submitting to the Daily Shoot for yesterday's shadow assignment.  See my Flickr photostream for the runner-up shot.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

11th Hour Abstract

6/23/10 - Day 187
It was getting late tonight and I needed a photo.  Saw some cool effects of a red indicator light through a hand soap dispenser in our bathroom and figured "what the hell."  Grabbed the macro lens and fired off a few shots.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Djun Djun

6/22/10 - Day 186
Our good friends Irwin & Eileen gave Jared a handmade African drum as a college graduation present.  With the sunlight streaming in this afternoon, I thought it would make a good abstract image for the Daily Shoot #219: "Look for abstract shapes and designs today. Make a photo of a subject everyone has seen that's not easily recognizable."

It's a stretch on the "subject everyone has seen" part, but it probably passes on the "not easily recognizable" part.  You make the call.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bear Down

6/21/10 - Day 185
Our friend's son works for the Chicago Bears and was trying on one of the old-time uniforms. I was able to get a shot of Josh displaying his cell phone picture.  Tight shot and to the point I think also qualifies for today's Daily Shoot #218.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brothers Back Home

6/20/10 - Day 184
After a 12 hour drive home from Connecticut, the road trip following Phish was over...just in time for Father's Day.  The boys slept in this morning and this shot caught them in a dream state.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

6 Down, 6 To Go

6/19/10 - Day 183
Today marks the halfway point in my Project 365.  Six months ago, I started this project with a cycling-themed photo and wanted to launch the second half in a similar vein.  I've learned alot along the way, some of it from viewing images by the friends I've made on the Daily Shoot and other blogs, some from reading and some from just shooting and experimenting in post.

In this image, I tried to 1) follow today's Daily Shoot assignment,  2) do the monthly self-portrait, and 3) incorporate some of the HDR technique I saw on Pat G's blog, but using Lightroom only.  I think it works.

This Project 365 been a blast so far.  I really appreciate the comments and suggestions that you all send, either by email, Flickrmail or on the blog.  Thank you for following.

Friday, June 18, 2010


6/18/10 - Day 182
Skies opened up today around 4pm and the aftermath was a messy walk to the train station.  Under protection of a canopy, I just started shooting feet walking through puddles.  I chose this one because the leading line of the reflection satisfies today's Daily Shoot assignment #215.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flying Frog

6/17/10 - Day 181
Beautiful evening so we grilled and ate dinner out on the deck. Overhead were these flying frogs, so I grabbed my D90, opened up the lens and captured one as he flew by.  Got some good depth of field so decided to submit for today's Daily Shoot.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

38th Vice President

6/16/10 - Day 180
Today's Daily Shoot #213 was: "Find the shape of a letter in something around you-- architecture, nature, or anything not in print--and make a photo."  HHH = Hubert H. Humphrey, the 38th Vice President of the USA.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

c. 1949

6/15/10 - Day 179
Toured some 60+ year old research labs in Durham, NC today.  Lots of cool old stuff.  Could have easily filled an SD card, had there been the time.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Finding the Cure?

6/14/10 - Day 178
Was touring some life science facilities in Boston today and saw this guy conversing on the phone at a Harvard Medical School research building in the Longwood section.  Couldn't help but wonder if he was discussing a cure for some dreaded disease or lining up a date for the weekend.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fruit Juice Filter

6/13/10 - Day 177
After a whirlwind weekend, I turned to the Daily Shoot for today's photo inspiration.  Not sure I followed the assignment literally but thought the image was interesting by filtering the light.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Graduation Day

6/12/10 - Day 176
It was a proud day for our family as Jared received his Bachelor's degree from the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University.  He did it in four years...thank goodness since it was out of state tuition!

It was even more special since Jordan came in from Denver to see his brother graduate and Michelle, Jared's girlfriend, was there with us also.  Lin and I were pretty happy today!

Friday, June 11, 2010


6/11/10 - Day 175
Since we're spread across 3 time zones, it's not often that our family is together.  We celebrated Jared's (left) college graduation with dinner tonight and caught a humorous moment between Jared & Jordan, as shot through my wine glass. Early morning drive to Athens on Saturday for the commencement ceremony.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stanley Cup + 1 Day

6/10/10 - Day 174
I was on a plane back from San Francisco during the Blackhawk's hockey game last night.  The pilot was announcing the score all during the flight.  Thank goodness for the DVR; I got to watch the overtime period this afternoon.

All Hands on Deck

6/9/10 - Day 173
Preparation for an upcoming concrete mat slab pour on one of our South San Francisco projects.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Image of Last Resort

6/8/10 - Day 172
Didn't get any photos during the day today. Went out to dinner tonight in Burlingame, CA with a couple of colleagues.  After the first bottle of this excellent wine was opened, I knew there wasn't an ice cube's chance in hell I would be taking another photo tonight, hence the title of this shot.  If you like Pinot Noir, this is a great one.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June in SSF

6/7/10 - Day 171
Walked down to the marina after working today in my South San Francisco office.  The wind was whipping and the temp was chilly.  I tried to capture the wind in the foreground tree branches and used b/w to convey the coolness of the air.  Don't know if it worked, but I do know it was pretty uncomfortable out!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Great Day!

6/6/10 - Day 170
Beautiful day today (up until 2pm) which meant a great 40 mile bike ride and then hanging out on the deck.  I checked the Daily Shoot #203: "Lens flare is typically avoided, but can be used deliberately to good effect.  Make a photo with creative lens flare."  I was able to fulfill that assignment and describe the day in one shot.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yard Art

6/5/10 - Day 169
Clouds, sun, clouds, sun, clouds...  Hard to get a good color contrast shot today for the Daily Shoot #202.   So, decided to use my "Paint the Scene" Lightroom preset instead.

Friday, June 4, 2010


6/4/10 - Day 168
Today's Daily Shoot: "Make an interpretive photo of a subject or scene that sums up your mood today."  This was my day in picture and word!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Early Indicator?

6/3/10 - Day 167
Today's Daily Shoot assignment #200 was: "Think of a favorite childhood sport, game, or activity.  Make a nostalgic photo today."  Little did I know that my love for the game of Monopoly was an early indicator of a career related to real estate.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hole in the Shrubs

6/2/10 - Day 166
I took a few different kinds of shots this evening for the Daily Shoot.  As a final "what the hell" shot, I reached in and put the camera on the ground at the center base of a shrub and blindly fired away.  I liked the resulting contrast of greens and DoF on the branches.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

North Central

6/1/10 - Day 165
Nine times out of ten, when I'm in town, this is my train.  Took this shot for today's Daily Shoot #198: "How do you get around: car, train, bicycle, plane, feet?  Make a photo that represents your mode of transportation today."