Recent participation in some photography forums has piqued an interest in doing a Project 365. Photography has been a hobby on and off for over 40 years and in the last 18 months my interest has intensified. So I've decided to jump in, give it a shot (no pun intended) and see if I can shoot every day for a year.

My expectations for this project are that it will provide motivation to expand my skills both behind the camera and in post-processing and provide a vehicle for experimentation. My photog pal Doug has been a great mentor, so I want to publicly say thanks; this is your fault (kidding of course).

It is going to be a learning experience, so any and all comments, critiques and encouraging words are welcome.

Thanks for viewing.


Sunday, January 31, 2010


1/31/10 - Day 44
Another great assignment from The Daily Shoot, this one involving energy created by edges. Out driving today, I noticed the silhouette of high tension lines and towers against the sky and thought about the synergy of the assignment and the subject matter.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pigeon Preventer

1/30/10 - Day 43
Another assignment from The Daily Shoot, this time of an architectural detail.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Something Sweet

1/29/10 - Day 42
Today's photo was inspired by a website I found while reading an article on Project 365s from a digital photography forum.  The site is called The Daily Shoot (http://dailyshoot.com) and offers up daily shooting assignments which can then be posted via Twitter.  While I haven't jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, I have a feeling these assignments are going to be very helpful throughout the year.  

Today's assignment was to shoot something sweet.  Well, if it isn't dark chocolate, it's definitely gummy bears.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thumbs Up

1/28/10 - Day 41
Finally, a day of sunshine, allowing for long shadows and capturing the gesture.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


1/27/10 - Day 40
Lin told the surgeon that not messing up her nails was to be his second priority.  Looks like he succeeded.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Friend?

1/26/10 - Day 39
After hand surgery today, Lin may have a new best friend for the next few days.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shank Bone

1/25/10 - Day 38
My son's band, Shank Bone, played a gig at Jackie O's Pub in Athens, Ohio and he uploaded one of their songs to YouTube today.  The URL for the video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knbKYw9uk0w.  Check it out.  Image is from computer screen shot with my D90 on a tripod.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Knee

1/24/10 - Day 37
Saw my buddy Steve today 3 weeks after knee replacement surgery.  He's doing great and it won't be long before he's kicking our butts on the bike once again.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CB on Rye

1/23/10 - Day 36
After burning 1500 calories between us, Lin and I deserved this for lunch.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tent Structure

1/22/10 - Day 35
I just can't get enough of looking at the structure of Denver International Airport.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


1/21/10 - Day 34
I was confused for a moment as to whether I was in Denver International Airport or Lin's shoe closet(s) at home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Golden Gate

1/20/10 - Day 33
Even with stormy weather in San Francisco, the grandeur of the Golden Gate Bridge is captivating, but the "Golden" was lost in the gloom.  Since I couldn't bring out the color of the bridge, I used post-processing to substitute golden in the sky instead.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Month Down

1/19/10 - Day 32
Today marks the start of the second month for my Project 365.  I've heard that tradition requires the first image of every month (the 19th, in my case) to be a self-portrait.  This image was taken at one of our recently completed projects in Redwood City, CA.  The glass curtainwall and earlier rainstorm makes for some interesting reflections on the building and pavement.

Monday, January 18, 2010


1/18/10 - Day 31
...on the Tri-State.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spin Room

1/17/10 - Day 30
This is one place where I'll spend time preparing for the 2010 cycle season.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

60th Surprise!

1/16/10 - Day 29
Surprise birthday party for my partner hosted by his lovely Mrs. Wonderful.  No one spilled the beans and Mike didn't have a clue.

Friday, January 15, 2010


1/15/10 - Day 28
Mild temperatures and no snow predicted, so I pulled the ragtop out of storage for the weekend.  Won't be quite warm enough to take the top down though.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Safety First

1/14/10 - Day 27
View from my office window.  Where's the long lens when you really need it?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Remnants of Breakfast

1/13/10 - Day 26
After the calorie burn at the health club last night, this item had a short shelf life this morning.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


1/12/10 - Day 25
Met some buddies tonight at the health club for a pilates class.  One of the guys asked where today's photo was; I had not shot it yet.  He suggested the towel stack, so here it is.  Thanks Marc - pressure off.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Who Rides This?

1/11/10 - Day 24
For some time now, on the way to the office, I've seen this bike locked up regardless of the weather.   First impression is that it is just abandoned, but it's gone in the afternoons and back again in the mornings.  That is one tough bike and rider.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grocery Shopping

1/10/10 - Day 23
Figured I would go grocery shopping today with my better half and use it as an opportunity to play with the macro lens.   I was able to get a few shots off before the store manager approached and told me "no cameras allowed - company policy".   I chose this image because of the way the mesh bag holding the oranges goes in and out of focus due to the shallow depth of field.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Upgrade Day

1/9/10 - Day 22
Went to Sprint this morning to upgrade our cell phones and spent most of the day transferring information and configuring.  Had a "h.s." moment not knowing what I was going to shoot, until it became obvious.  Photo quality isn't good today, but I was in a hurry.

Friday, January 8, 2010

On the Way Home from SFO

1/8/10 - Day 21
With 500 flights canceled at O'Hare yesterday, I had no idea if we'd make it out of SFO on time today.  We did, and I captured this image of the plane's shadow as it left runway 1R.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why Did I Take This Photo?

1/7/10 - Day 20
I can't remember....oh yeah - Project 365.   Saw this sign on the way to watch the BCS championship and drink some Guiness with colleagues and friends in San Francisco.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

1/6/10 - Day 19
As part of entitlements associated with a campus project, a pedestrian bridge over an adjacent slough was required.  This bridge ties together two sections of the San Francisco Bay Trail.  The sunrise image of a bridge detail looks out onto the San Francisco Bay.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


1/5/10 - Day 18
Nope.  Just some concrete wall demolition going on at one of my project construction sites.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Celsius vs. Fahrenheit

1/4/10 - Day 17
Walking to grab a sandwich for lunch, I thought how much colder -3 degrees Celsius sounds than +27 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shadows & Tracks

1/3/10 - Day 16
Just before leaving the house this morning, I noticed glistening of the snow in the morning light.  I grabbed the D90 with the 90mm lens and snapped a few shots on the deck.  The opposing direction of the animal tracks and shadows in this image made for the most interesting composition of the series.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's All About You...

1/2/10 - Day 15
...Hair Salon in Arlington Heights.  Kim has been cutting my hair for 18 years.   In addition to squeezing me in today, she agreed to cooperate with the 365 photo project.  This image is an overlay (in PSE) of a self-portrait in the mirror and a macro shot of the gray clippings.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year...

1/1/10 - Day 14 ...taken at 12:02am with a p&s and mini-tripod.  For over 25 years, we have celebrated New Year's together with a movie and dinner.  It is a natural to have this as 2010's lead off photo.